How to fast-rising Rank of Warrior Became Grand Master in Mobile Legends

How to fast-rising Rank of Warrior Became Grand Master in Mobile Legends. You still stuck at level Warrior or Elite? Already tried various hero but still, lose too? Confused with the system items in Mobile Legends? Try beginner tips Mobile Legends this one, which (hopefully) will help you rise from the rank of Warrior/Elite to Master, even Grand Master!
Grand Master in Mobile Legends
Mobile is indeed being Legends is booming lately. The community is already very large and spread throughout the world. With the growing number of players, the competition to be the best also increasingly difficult, as well as increase our rank.

Oiya, merely existing, rank information in Mobile Legends in sequence from bottom to top are Warrior, Elite, Masters, Grand Masters, Epic, and Legend. Well, without the length again, check out the beginner tips Mobile Legends!

1 Master Hero Early, Layla
Ah, Layla, gunner sweet this one already loyal to accompany all of us since the beginning plays Mobile Legends. He did especially design for new players, with a skill that focuses to damage only. Layla is a hero type of marksman with nuke skill (skill with great damage) which is quite painful, let alone his ultimate skill, Destruction of Rush.

As a marksman, make sure you always keep with the fight. Use the ultimate skill Layla when an enemy hero is being crowded or anyone trying to escape. You have to survive until late game, where the equipment you have "so". When you've had a good item, that's the time you become a serial killer!

If you really master the hero Layla (and lucky), not unlikely you can reach the rank Master or even a Grand Master. Proven, my friend never did!

2 use Free Rotation to learn Another Hero
Next beginner tips Mobile Legends is using free rotation. Learn and master the other hero is very important in Mobile Legends. First, so that you can balance the team when playing Ranked Match (will be explained later).

The second is to learn the enemy hero who hassles you so that you can later find out the pros and cons when they met. The third and most important is to find a hero who really fits in with the style you play. The last reason is important before you decide to buy a hero permanently.

There are also other ways to test the hero of yet you have, i.e. by using the Custom Mode and selecting modes Draft Pick. But of course the experience of competitive Match Up with different modes.

3 learn to be a Team Player
When entered into the phase of the selection of the hero, sometimes if you lose a quick then favorite hero (read: Layla) may have already taken other people. Or perhaps the number of hero type of marksman was already too much in one team (usually 2 marksman is enough). Well, if it is thus, tip number two above will definitely be very helpful to you.

When you try and master the other hero, then the team will benefit because you can choose another kind of hero. What is clear, with the kind of hero that is varied, the chance of you winning will be much higher, especially when you choose a hero that match each other.

In addition to the election of the hero in phase, when the game takes place any time you should be trying to be a team player. The trick is to play in accordance with their respective roles, do you marksman, tanker, charger, mage, or support.

4 use a map as possible
Still, in order to be a good team player, you have to pay attention to the map in the upper right corner of the screen as possible. Know tower/member of the team which currently requires help, or which enemy heroes off guard and could gank. A map can also be the most effective means of communication to make the team you alert.

If there is a protest to you to "view map", yes it's usually because you did not respond to the signals their help or you ignore the tower in which therefore attacked. So, don't forget to check out the map periodically Yes!

Check out the beginner tips Mobile Legends the second page! There is one habit that beginners often becomes a problem!

5. Learn from Teammates who More Bully
Often assumed command "Layla mid solo"? We recommend that you follow. Layla (and another marksman) is indeed a hero level up more quickly and get the item getting nice because he was in the late game will have DPS (damage per second) that craze.

Usually, you have a friend who's been good at playing Mobile Legends (rated Grand Master, Epic, and on top of it). It's good you play with them in a Match-Up of fashion. Follow the pattern of the game and develop their own style of play. Experienced players usually know when it's time to be in the lane or in the jungle.

6 do not Lust and Main!
Bad habits: Starter too ardent pursuit of the enemy who was roaming. Beginner tips Mobile Legends do not lust and roaming on its own. If you're not careful, it could be that is the Temple of mere aliases so that you may be tempted to pursue the trap and log in.

Do it only if you like scouting or want to do behind the temple to the enemy. But if you use a hero with HP thin, unlawful you linger roaming on its own. Do not engage the enemy alone, stay with my teammates.

7 Set your own Gear
This will probably distinguish you with beginner players Mobile Legends. When the other players simply follow the default item settings, you can set up your own personalized items. Somewhat confusing indeed find items that fit every hero, but you can also use the guide Mobile Legends from!

Now that is some beginner tips Mobile Legends that could help you increase your rank from Warrior to Grand Master! Mastery of the hero, teamwork, and patience in the play is indeed a primary key for you to fast-rising rank in the early.

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